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There is no sole legislation for Grenada’s water sector, neither is there entity providing oversight for it. Various departments and authorities address certain areas.

Responsibilities of Main Agencies in Grenada’s Water Sector

Agency Responsibility Legislation
National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) Provision and maintenance of water and sewerage services National Water and Sewerage Authority Act, Cap. 208, as amended
Ministry of Agriculture Protection of watersheds (including forests and protected areas) Forest, Soil and Water Conservation Act, Cap. 116 Grand Etang Forest Reserve Act, Cap. 124 National Parks and Protected Areas Act, Cap. 206, as amended Pesticides Control Act, Cap. 238
Ministry of Health Oversight & audit functions to ensure compliance with drinking water quality standards Public Health Act, Cap. 263
Physical Development Authority Managing physical planning matters including requiring developers to carry out Environmental Impact Assessments & enforcement of the Building Code Physical Planning and Development Control Act, 2016 (includ. S.R.O. 42 )
Sanitary Authority Operation of the Water Quality Act which governs matters related to the quality of water intended for human consumption Water Quality Act, Cap. 334B

Policy Framework

The revised and updated 2020 National Water Policy defines the policy vision as: “A water secure Grenada in which present and future generations have sustainable access to adequate, safe and affordable water, and sanitation, to maintain and enhance the quality of their lives and livelihoods and the integrity of natural ecosystems.”


The Policy proposes four key areas that need to be addressed, namely the:

  • management of the country's water resources,
  • provision of water and waste water services,
  • water quality regulation as it relates to public and environmental health, and
  • economic and service regulation.

Further institutions are necessary for this Policy’s implementation. In order to separate water services provision from water resources management, a new entity is proposed to carry out the day‐to‐day management of Grenada’s water resources in their entirety. It is also proposed that the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (established by the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission Act, 2016) will provide policy‐level and administrative oversight of the proposed Water Resources Management Unit (WRMU), water and wastewater services regulation.


Over the past few years, Grenada has developed several national policy documents and plans, the following which have direct relevance for the water sector.

Grenada’s Nationally Determined Contributions

Gender Equality Policy and Action Plan 2014-2024

Integrated Coastal Zone Management Policy for Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique

National Climate Change Policy

National Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan for the Water Sector in Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) 2016-2020

National Adaptation Plan

Grenada National Agricultural Plan 2015-2030

(Draft) Grenada Drought Management Plan

National Codes and Standards

  • The OECS Building Code (2015) is now enforceable in law under the provisions of the Physical Planning and Development Control (Adoption of Building Code) Order, 2016 
  • Grenada National Standard GDS 79:2006 Specification for Effluent from Industrial Processes Discharged into the Environment. Grenada Bureau of Standards
  • Grenada National Standard GDS 71: 2003 - Specification for Packaged Water 
  • Grenada National Standard GDS 72: 2003 - Code of Hygienic Practice for the Collection, Processing and Marketing of Packaged Water (Mineral Water, Spring Water, Purified Water).

Regional Agreements

At the regional level, Grenada has committed to the following environmental agreements and instruments:

  • George’s Declaration of Principles for Environmental Sustainability in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS);
  • CARICOM Implementation Plan for the ‘Regional Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change’ (CCCCC, 2012); and
  • OECS Water Sector Model Policy and Model Water Act for Countries within the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS, 2013a).


Grenada has also ratified or acceded to the following international conventions and agreements which require measures and systems to be implemented at the national level for the protection of the environment:

  • The Cartagena Convention (The Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region) and the Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution Protocol;
  • Convention on Biological Diversity;
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;
  • United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification;
  • Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction;
  • Addis Ababa Action Agenda; and
  • 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.