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The Green Climate Fund provides several avenues for accessing funds for the development of various proposals.

Readiness & Preparatory Support Programme

As ‘country drivenness’ is the cornerstone of the Fund’s work, the Fund provides support to build institutional capacities of the country’s Nationally Designated Authority and Direct Access Entities to access funds and maximize their strategic engagement with the Fund. Building the ‘Readiness’ of a country to access GCF resources should be done on an ongoing basis and part of an iterative process to strengthen a country’s engagement with the Fund.


Through this Readiness Support Programme the Fund aims to enhance country ownership through five main outcomes:


  • Strengthening country capacity;
  • Engaging stakeholders in consultative processes;
  • Supporting the accreditation of direct access entities;
  • Providing access to finance; and
  • Mobilizing the private sector.


Strengthening the capacity of the NDA to access GCF resources through the above outcomes is capped at USD $1 million per country per calendar year. Of this amount, the NDA may request up to USD $300,000 per year to help establish or strengthen the NDA to deliver on the GCF’s requirements. In addition to the above amounts, the Fund’s Readiness Programme provides up to USD $3 million per country to support the development of National Adaptation Plans/other adaptation processes.


Grenada is benefitting from this Readiness Programme through the implementation of the following projects:


Project Preparation Facility

The Project Preparation Facility (PPF) provides support to take concept notes and develop them into full funding proposals. These requests are developed by Accredited Entities and approved by the Fund’s Board based on the Fund’s investment criteria and the justification of the need for support for project preparation. The support from the PPF is usually in the forms of grants and are capped at USD $1.5 million per project but not to exceed 10% of total project/programme costs for GCF to finance.


The following activities are supported by the PPF:

  • Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies and project design;
  • Environmental, social and gender studies;
  • Risk assessments;
  • Identifying programme- and project-level indicators;
  • Pre-contract services including revision of tender documents;
  • Advisory services and/or other services to financially structure a proposed activity; and
  • Other project preparation activities, where necessary.


To apply to the PPF, the AE must have a letter of no-objection signed by the NDA, which will ensure that the project or programme is aligned with national priorities and has full country ownership. The full funding proposal developed through the PPF should be submitted to the GCF Board for approval within two years of the approval of the PPF request.


For more information on PPF, click here for the Fund’s guidelines.

For more information on the no-objection procedure for the GCF, click here. (link to ‘Ensuring Country Ownership of Projects’)

The Simplified Approval Process (SAP)

The SAP intends to reduce the time and effort needed in the preparation, review, approval and disbursement procedures for proposals of certain activities, in particular small-scale activities. The documentation to be provided is reduced while the review and approval processes are streamlined.


The SAP has three main eligibility criteria including a SAP concept note template with an ESS checklist, is available on the Fund’s website.

The GCF has prepared a manual for preparing SAP proposals along with a SAP Concept Note and SAP Funding Proposal template.

Concept Notes

Project proponents, such as the NDA or the Accredited Entity, may submit on a voluntary basis, a concept note for feedback and recommendations from the GCF Secretariat in coordination and consultation with the NDA. The purpose of submitting concept notes is to provide the Accredited Entity an opportunity to seek feedback and guidance to allow for strengthening and further development of the project/programme idea. This will support the lead into the next step of the process of developing and submitting the full proposal for funding.

The concept note may be submitted by the AE or the NDA and while it is not a mandatory step in the process, it is strongly encouraged to ensure feedback from the GCF Secretariat that will allow for early strengthening of a project/programme proposal and will facilitate a faster review process.


The GCF concept note user guide and template are both available in the Document Library.

Projects and Programmes

The final stage of accessing resources from the GCF is the provision of financing to climate resilient and low-emission projects/programmes that contribute to the achievement of at least one of the Fund’s strategic areas.

The funding proposal must align with the Fund’s priorities and policies as approved by the Board and expressed in a series of key policy documents that constitute guard rails for developing successful projects and proposals:

  • Results Management Framework (RMF)

The Results Management Framework (RMF) of the Fund monitors the GCF’s results at the project, programme and aggregate portfolio levels. It includes indicators that measure progress toward intended results based on objectives, impacts and outcomes defined in logical framework, which will be used as the basis for the monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the Fund’s progress over time. The activities required by the RMF should be country driven and determined through a consultative process with key stakeholders.


  • Gender

The GCF seeks to ensure gender is integrated in all aspects of its processes and operations with the implementation of gender sensitive interventions at all levels. The gender principle ensures that GCF funded projects adhere to gender equality and equity, as per international agreements and other human rights agreements.

Under the Gender Policy and Action Plan 2019–2021, the GCF requires the NDA to take the necessary measures to ensure that proposed projects, as well as proposed activities under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, submitted to GCF for financing are aligned with national policies and priorities on gender.

To support NDAs and AEs in the task of mainstreaming gender, a guide has been published by the GCF and UN Women.


  • Environmental and Social Safeguards

The GCF is mandated to effectively and equitably manage environmental and social risks and impacts, and improve outcomes of all GCF-financed activities. Based on the Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy, the Fund will require that all GCF-supported activities will commit to:

  • Avoid, and where avoidance is impossible, mitigate adverse impacts to people and the environment
  • Enhance equitable access to development benefits; and
  • Give due consideration to vulnerable populations, groups, and individuals.

Applications for funding are submitted through accredited entities with the endorsement of the NDA via the Letter of No-Objection.

For more information, go to ‘Grenada’s National Designated Authority’s Toolkit for Engaging with the Green Climate Fund’, found in the Document Library under Tools and Resources.

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